Ariel Kwiatkowski ▶️
Ariel Kwiatkowski

Research Engineer

About Me

AI researcher, waiting to start my new position very soon. Until recently, I was working at AI Redefined where I’m building tooling for human-in-the-loop RL. I got my PhD from École Polytechnique, my thesis topic was “Simulating Crowds with Reinforcement Learning”. In the past I was at University of Warsaw, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and Aalto University.

In my free time, I’m the maintainer of Gymnasium (the official continuation of OpenAI Gym), sometimes reviewing other people’s bugs, sometimes adding my own bugs… I mean, features. Sometimes I also help with PettingZoo, SuperSuit and other projects in the Farama Foundation.

Erdős number <= 4

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • AI Alignment
  • PhD Artificial Intelligence

    École Polytechnique

  • MSc Autonomous Systems

    KTH Royal Institute of Technology & Aalto University

  • BSc Physics

    University of Warsaw

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